
Holistic Arts Fair Program Saturday Sept.26, 2015

10 AM: Irene Chung on "Using Stones and Crystals for Healing." Crystals have been used in many cultures for thousands of years. We understand intuitively that natural stones and crystals can affect our bodies. But do we know which stone or crystal to use and how? We'll discuss the energetic properties of selected stones or crystals, and how to choose the stone that fits your needs. We will also discuss some myths and superstitions around crystal healing.

10:30 AM: Ping Ping Xie on "How Tea Affects Your Health." (lecture cancelled) Tea has been very popular in many countries for centuries because of its energetic properties and how it can bring balance to our body. We'll discuss a few teas and how to drink them properly.

11 AM: Pat Duran speaks on "Are You Getting Younger? 3 Keys To Thriving As We Grow Older." In this talk, you will learn 1) Three ways we unconsciously add to our aging process, and how to change them, 2) How to unlock some of the cultural conditioning about aging, 3) To start shifting your limiting beliefs about aging, 4) How to develop a relationship with your body and learn to nurture it, and 5) Some of the tools of Access Consciousness that you can use for the rest of your life. Pat says: "I truly think I look younger than I did when I started learning Access Consciousness over 3 years ago." Pat has a business background and certifications in various modalities.

12 Noon: Scout Bartlett on "Aligning Energy with your True Life Path." Ever felt pulled in opposite directions inside, or recognized parts of you were on your side while other parts held you back or sabotaged those intentions? All of us have a core flow of life-force energy, and between trauma, drama, and karma, that core beam becomes bent and constricted into patterns that play out in our lives. Experience your energy flow coming back into alignment with your true path. Scout Bartlett, a natural-born clairsentient, is the founder of Life Insights, which offers trainings of "Higher Learning." Both the clarity and wit with which Scout presents his life insights have benefited thousands of individuals.

1 PM: Mark Allen Frost on "Navigating the New Consciousness." When Seth first began speaking to us again back in 2002, he said that he had returned to prepare us for a dramatic shift in consciousness. Now it is thirteen years later. The Shift has occured and we are experiencing a world very much different than the one we knew in 2002. In this presentation we will discuss the changes that have occured for humanity and what we might hope for the future. Mark is the author of 11 quick-selling books with Seth, the metaphysical author and educator. They have also created a series of Guided Visualizations on CD called Reality Change. Mark also channels Seth in phone sessions.

2 PM to 4 PM: Meir Schneider presents one of his popular Yoga for Your Eyes workshops. The full title this year is "Overcoming Vision Problems; Steps to Improve Your Vision Naturally." Meir is director of the Center for Self-Healing. 2 hours.

NOTE: Cynthia Starborn at 2 PM and Belinda Farrell at 3 PM have been switched to Sunday.

4 PM: Lynn Rogers on "Edgar Cayce's wisdom on soul mates and past lives." Jessica Madigan was Cayce's true interpreter. Gain insight from a newly-published collection of her work edited by Lynn; book signing to follow. Topics include sex, reincarnation and karma, discovering your past lives, and life after death.

5 PM: Holly Toscanini on "What the Soul Knows: A Journey Through Your Akashic Records." A consultant and teacher in this field, Holly explains what Akashic Records are, how she got involved, how her life has changed, and the benefits of learning to access your own records for personal growth, self-awareness and manifesting true happiness and abundance every day.

6 PM: Ed Simon, Crystal Bowls Meditation. Soothe and awaken your soul and tune into higher consciousness with resonant sounds, correlated to your own inner frequencies.

7 PM: Alex Treglazoff presents "Wings of Abundance Meditation." Come join us on a magical journey of healing our abundance through meditation and chimes, with messages from the angels. Don't miss this unusual experience!

Sunday Sept.27, 2015

10:00 AM: Ron Fitch of Monterey Center on "Past Life Experiences: Are They Real?" Somebody once said that the reason we cannot access past lives is because we doubt whether they actually exist. Are they fantasies, or as Freud would have called them, confabulations? Or, as C.G. Jung suggested, maybe they are just aspects of the collective unconscious. In this talk and demo, Ron will address this question by giving you the information you need to answer for yourself. During the second half of this event, Ron will invite a volunteer from the audience to briefly explore this phenomenon with a galvanic skin response meter. You'll want to get here early and catch this one!

11 AM: Rev. Christine of speaks on Divine Science. Discover how a scientific approach to prayer can transform your life.

12 Noon: E. Alan Meece, author of Horoscope for the New Millennium and Horoscope for the New Age, explores and charts the cycles of history from which he develops a riveting forecast of future events. The planets illuminate our path and guide us toward unfolding our potential. Eric Meece has made many documented correct predictions which you can review at his website. He is like a Nostradamus for our time.

1 PM: Robert Perala, author of The Divine Blueprint, and singer-songwriter, presents "The Divine Intelligence: Meet the Extraterrestrials." The Divine Intelligence is all around you, as people feel the vast sweeping changes in consciousness in this time of rebirth and ET visitation. In addition to his meetings with ETs, Robert shares some of his knowledge of Behavioral Science, Personal Growth, Bridging the Worlds of New Science & Ancient Wisdom, Extraterrestrial Science, Life Before Birth/Life After Death, Where the Human Blueprint Comes From, and where we are headed as we reach into the Golden Age of Enlightenment.

NOTE: "Yoga for Your Eyes" with Meir Schneider has been switched to
Saturday, 2-4 PM.

2 PM: Cynthia Starborn on "Mastering the School of Life." Tired of repeating "life lessons"? Ready to be done with all those mountains of "soul homework" to climb? Come listen to a refreshing, intergalactic perspective on "Earth School," and learn about how students of life of all ages can excel and shine with ease and grace. A soul guide and teacher, Cynthia offers intuitive consultations and classes based on the Akashic Records, for adults and children.

3 PM: Belinda Farrell on "How Do You Forgive the Unforgiveable?" Our thoughts on the inside, project problems on the outside. Resolve these issues through the ancient Hawaiian self-forgiveness process called Ho'oponopono. Experience the freedom of life unshackled to negativity, the past or limitations. Belinda is author of "Find Your Friggin Joy" and will also share the frequencies of Reconnective Healing. Hear chanting from Belinda's three acclaimed Hawaiian CDs to lift the darkness and bring down the light.

4 PM: Teed Rockwell performs classical Indian and new-age world fusion music on a stringed instrument called a veena, similar to the Chapman Stick he played with the band Geist in the 1980s and 90s.

5 PM to 7 PM: UFO Panel, organized and/or presented by Ruben Uriarte and Robert Perala. The latest info on the great ET mystery. Panelists include Orion Johnson, a former employee for NASA who worked in the ET Detection and Bio Signatures Research Department. He's a great academic science researcher.

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