Dorothy's Visit

by E. Alan Meece

for UU Band of Writers, Dec.2, 2018

prompt/theme: color

When last I spoke, I was entering Uncle Tom's Dragon Farm for young souls. I had been taken there by a hitchhiker named Norman, who had resigned from a radio station. By now I have undergone many adventures at this school, but they shall be told at a later time. Today however, I met another visitor to our bland little town, and she was named Dorothy. She was staying at the hotel, which I went to for lunch. We don't get many visitors to our town, but I guess that's probably because it's in a drab place called Kansas.

We got to talking, and it turns out that it was Dorothy Gale from the Wizard of Oz. She must have been over eighty years old by now, but she was still spry. She hadn't been back to Oz for a long time, and had forgotten how to go. I suggested the Dragon Farm for Souls might be able to help her. When I got there, Big Foot was waiting at the door. He was in charge of checking people at the door now. I showed him my badge, and said Dorothy was a new student, and he sent her over to Mr. Montgomery. Norman came by and asked me how I was enjoying the course. "Riding dragons is fun, but those scales can get pretty sharp." "That's OK," said Norman. "Pretty soon they will seem like musical scales, and some of them will be flat too."

I went in with Dorothy, as her guide. Now Dorothy was familiar with colors, having gone over the rainbow. Colors have a lot of metaphysical power, according to classes I have been taking at the Dragon's Farm. We all have a dragon within us called kundalini, and along this dragon are 7 chakras, each of which has a color just like the 7 colors of the rainbow. When clear and operating smoothly, psychics see these 7 colors pure and bright in each chakra. Each color indicates the meaning and purpose of each chakra, which are the 7 centers in our soul and body. Remember, Dragon's Farm is a Soul School, so the colors of the rainbow are very important. It's called the rainbow bridge from Earth to Heaven, and we each have it within us. Ascending through the colors on the kundalini dragon takes us over the rainbow and into heaven. I hadn't realized at first that this is mainly what the Dragon School was about.

But Dorothy wanted to go back to Oz. She learned that she would need to regress her age so she would be healthy enough for the journey. The yellow brick roads in Oz require a lot of hiking, which requires youthful fitness, and they are yellow after all, which is the color of energy and the will to act that we can find in our 3rd chakra, or solar plexus. Tuning up her chakras so much that it would make her younger and more fit would require several sessions. So I pick up the story when she had finished her tune-up. Glenda came by for the reverse journey, and told her to concentrate and repeat "there's no place like Oz." She didn't have to go back on a hurricane; it was like going back to dreamland. But whether the real world we know, or the world of our dreams, are really any different, or one more real than the other, has always been a point of contention among philosophers. Knowing this helps you to make the journey, I learned.

So off she went, and I went with her. After getting the key to the Emerald City from the Mayor of Munchkin Land, we headed off down the yellow brick road. But remember, when Dorothy got to the scarecrow in the movie, there was a fork in the road. A new scarecrow said it would be nice to go the other way from the way she went before. The scarecrow decided to stay behind this time, so off we went down the road less traveled. Where it would take us, Dorothy Gale could not remember; it had been so long. The author L. Frank Baum had died some time ago, and no new movie was made, so her way back to Oz through dreamland had not been operating. So what would we find along this different way?

Well, for one thing, the trees were nicer along this way. They let us pick their apples instead of throwing them at us. The tin man had left the forest, having gotten his heart a long time ago. Instead we encountered one of the witch's old bee hives. They swarmed around us and showered us with honey. It was so sticky we almost got stuck. After a while we licked ourselves clean enough to continue. But the bee stings soon made us dizzy. We sat down, and lo and behold a huge oversized king bee appeared. It asked us, "do you know why we buzz?" No, I said. "Well, we buzz because because because because because, because of the wonderful things we does." "Oh, that's nice" said Dorothy. "What wonderful things do you do?" "Well, for one thing, we pollinate all the trees so they can grow their apples," said King Bee. "And when we buzz, we connect Oz to the drone sound that creates the universe. Without our buzz, the universe might stop." "I doubt it" I said, imitating The Prisoner. "Well, I do exaggerate. But without music, the universe stops, and we are all part of the music; especially us bees." Then he stopped his buzzing, and we promptly fell asleep. I guess this is a good place to stop the story for now. Tune in again next time, and you'll find out if we continued our journey when we woke up, or if Oz disappeared instead. Or even the universe.

This essay is part 2 of the story that begins with The Hitchhiker

Walking On Down the Road, part 3 of The Hitchhiker

Anodea Judith's The Illuminated Chakras video

Chakra Serpent music by J.S. Bach

My UU Band of Writers Essays