My Epithet

by E. Alan Meece
UU Band of Writers
My Essays for the UU Band of Writers
Eric A Meece, Nov. 2019, for December meeting
prompt: my epithet

I am Eric the Green
           not Eric the Red-- that's a Republican, or a Communist.
           not Eric the Blue-- that's a Democrat
I am Eric the Green, member of the Green Party.
           I am an explorer, a Viking warrior.
Seeking greener pastures,
           for myself and the World.
A favorite song of mine from the 1970s says, "laugh and say I'm green,
           I've seen things you've never seen."
I see the world with fresh green eyes.
           I wander in green fields, amid green trees
that I have never seen.
           I see that the world grows. It sprouts green leaves
and bears fruit, and we are it.
           I write things that have never been written,
that probably never should be written.
           Like all consumers, as George Carlin says, I
spend money that I don't have, for things I don't need.
           With green money, that none of us have.
Nothing belongs to us, not even its symbol and substitute
           that we use to trade what we don't have,
with people we don't know.
           We are too green. We've been nowhere, and
we know nothing.
           The Green Party seeks the green peace. We
empower the green police. We pray that pollution cease.
           My name is Eric Meece, I seek the Green Fleece.
I follow the Sun, the stars, and the Moon made of
           green cheece (cheese).
I look at the world through green colored glasses.
           I see a green world that has never been, and
never was, and never can be.
           But if you visit my green world, it will grow, and it
will come into being anyway.