
Holistic Arts Fair Program

Saturday Sept.27, 2014

10 AM: Marilyn Smith and/or Robert Freda, Divine Channels, Teachers and Healers from Master Sha's Universal Soul Service, on "The Four Powers for Creating Soul Healing Miracles." In this interactive, experiential presentation, participants will learn how to use the Four Power Techniques for creating Soul Healing Miracles to transform heart and soul, mind and body. Using Soul Power, Mind Power, Sound Power and Body Power, learn how to remove blockages which prevent optimal health and well-being.

10:30 AM: Irene Kane lectures on "Traditional Chinese Medicine for Safe, Natural, Effective Pain-Management." Reduction in pain means a happier and more active life.

11 AM: Irene Chung on "Using Stones and Crystals for Healing." Discover the energetic properties of selected stones and crystals, and dispell myths and superstitions surrounding crystal healing. Learn how to choose the stone that fits your needs.

12 Noon: Pat Duran speaks on "A Questionable Life." The power of questions in everyday life. Why it’s not about coming up with the right answers but asking the right questions that will help you create the business, relationships, finances, and ultimately the life you love. Find the secret question that can change anything that’s not working for you. Access the full possibilites!

1 PM: Quli Zhou of Eternal Health Acupuncture Center speaks about "A Natural Way for Stress Reduction and Pain Relief Using Acupressure and Food/Diet." Increase energy, balance hormones, reduce weight, and feel better! Empower your own health.

2 PM: Cynthia Starborn on "Soulful Support for Today's Children." Learn how to help the children of your life thrive, no matter what.

3 PM: Dr. Bernd Friedlander on "Controlling Inflammation and Restoring Energy to Repair and Regenerate." Learn how to optimize health and longevity. Counteract such conditions as emotional and environmental stress, infection and injury. Boost energy, immunity, brain and hormone function through botannicals, vitamins, minerals and more. Learn what to reduce in your diet to increase your life span.

4 PM: Lynn Rogers on "The Female Edgar Cayce." Hear prophetic wisdom for our times from Jessica Madigan (1911-1986). She was a world teacher and feminine mystic who had many insights about Edgar Cayce, twin souls, and other subjects.

5 PM: Dean Price presents "Reprogram your Life for Love & Abundance." Are you struggling with relationships or financial issues? You may be highly evolved, well-versed in techniques for manifesting wealth, success & love. So why then are you still frustrated & stressed out? Although your thoughts & words may practice the Law of Attraction, your relationships & finances may be sabotaged by subconscious stories stuck deep below the surface. Come learn how to erase those specific scripts directly, & re-program them to attract soul-satisfying Love & Abundance. You will also receive a Free 1-Hour Breakthrough Session with Dean, founder of Spirit Touch, that could change your life - by helping you discover how hidden patterns have been shaping your relationships & finances, & how to re-program them.

6 PM: Ed Simon, Crystal Bowls Meditation. Soothe and awaken your soul and tune into higher consciousness with resonant sounds, correlated to your own inner frequencies.

7 PM: Alex Treglazoff presents "Wings of Abundance Meditation." Come join us on a magical journey of healing our abundance through meditation and chimes. Don't miss this unusual experience!

Sunday Sept.28, 2014

10:00 AM Feona Lee Jones on Hand Analysis. Feona blends palmistry with the science of Dermatoglyphics (fingerprint reading) to provde a map to your life purpose and lesson and your "soul's agenda." Go into the essence of your soul, and align with your spiritual path. Life Purpose is a state of being. Don't miss this chance to take responsibility for your happiness and live the life you were meant to live.

10:30 AM Peej on Meditation. Peej believes we have 3 necessities in life: air, food and meditation! If stress is an issue in your life, or if you have a restless mind or anxious heart, then come hear how important it is to add meditation to your daily routine. Meditation is like recharging your battery, and it's the foundation of your psychic abilities and gifts. Learn simple techniques to guide you to inner peace, healing and better intuition. Peej is a spiritual healer, medium and channel for Spirit.

11 AM: Rev. Christine of Community of Infinite Spirit speaks on "Divine Science: a Path to Mysticism."

12 Noon: Therapist Ron Fitch offers a short seminar and demonstration on past lives. Have we lived before? Is it important to know? Are past lives real? Explore the amazing principles of Memory Recall Improvement and Biofeedback and how it can benefit many facets of life. Find out how to improve memory, and how current issues are often permanently handled by looking at the past, beyond what we thought we could see. A live Biofeedback demonstration will be given.

1 PM: Robert Perala, author of The Divine Blueprint, and singer-songwriter, presents "The Divine Intelligence: Meet the Extraterrestrials." The Divine Intelligence is all around you, as people feel the vast sweeping changes in consciousness in this time of rebirth and ET visitation. In addition to his meetings with ETs, Robert shares some of his knowledge of Behavioral Science, Personal Growth, Bridging the Worlds of New Science & Ancient Wisdom, Extraterrestrial Science, Life Before Birth/Life After Death, Where the Human Blueprint Comes From, and where we are headed as we reach into the Golden Age of Enlightenment.

2 PM: Sondra Sneed, Godscribe, soul reader, and technology and science writer, speaks on her new book "What to do When You're Dead: A Former Atheist Interviews the Source of Infinite Being." Learn how to fulfill the soul through finding your path, and how best to cross over to the other side. Discover insights into how the world was made, and connect to the world within. And much more.

3 PM: Mark Allen Frost speaks on "The New Seth Books." Discover the latest books from Seth Returns Publishing, including The Reality Creator's Handbook, Seth on Death and the Afterlife, and Love Being - Waking Up in the New Consciousness. Mark as Seth will answer questions from the audience. Mark Allen Frost, M.S., Counseling Psychology, has written eleven books with Seth, the noted metaphysical author and educator. Mark as Seth provides consultation services to the Seth community around the world. Mark will also present a workshop on October 6th from 6 -10:00 pm in the Sanctuary of Community of Infinite Spirit. This lecture at the Fair should be a good introduction!

4 PM: Bhavna Khandelwal of Ayurdham provides an "Introduction to Ayurveda and Yoga." Ayurveda means "science of life," and offers wholesome living through natural medicine, healing, diet and lifestyle. Bhavna is a professional member of the National Ayurveda Medicine Association and meets its criterea for practitioners.

5 PM to 7 PM: UFO Panel with Ruben Uriarte and Robert Perala. Lots of new info, with a powerpoint presentation.

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