A Good Night

UUFLG Band of Writers, essay for March 9, 2025 by Eric Meece

prompt: "For me, a good day isn't complete without...."

For me, a good day isn’t complete without a good night. Well, at least an interesting night. That means having an interesting dream. I’ve been telling myself to remember my dreams so I could write this essay in accordance with my statement, and after all, I am not having very many good days these days, but I still have interesting dreams. So I remembered this one. Before I woke up, myself and my two housemates were in the kitchen area, and one of them had a green blender or coffee maker or some such small device sitting on the counter. The housemate in between us standing there was complaining and accusing me and my other housemate of ruining and breaking his appliance by putting hair into it. I denied this and explained we had been nowhere near his device. He seemed gradually to accept this.

Dreams are usually telling us something in symbolic imagery about ourselves and our lives. As I thought about this dream, I recognized that I sometimes cut my own hair, and little hairs are left around the house on my rug and on my blankets and pillow, so some could have floated into his device. I have been dealing with people falsely accusing me of bad behavior, and whether I could have done something wrong unintentionally. I don’t want to describe here what is happening in my life about this problem.

But there is another matter I am obsessed with these days, which is grounds for further thought in this essay. The housemate complaining about his broken blender had a definite name in my dream: Vince Palamara. In real life Vince is a scholar who studies and reports on how negligence by the Secret Service caused John F Kennedy’s death on Nov.22, 1963. Although many of his points are well-taken, he tends toward the conspiracy theory view that this negligence was deliberate in service to the government plot to kill the president. I ran across his name again the day before in my ongoing thorough and obsessive study of the assassination in order to refute the conspiracy theories. "Hair" rhymes with Red Herrings, which I think these theories are based on.

Another investigator who takes the opposite view that Lee Oswald alone killed Kennedy is Gerald Posner. He discusses some of this negligence in an interview I link to my website and which I often cite. In it he attributes the assassination to "coincidence but not conspiracy". There are so many WHAT IF’s, he says. "It all broke right, in the perfect storm, for the assassin", he says, and among these coincidences are how the Secret Service failed to protect him. What if the bubble top had remained on the limo, the shot may not have been accurate if sunlight had been deflected Oswald’s view of JFK. What if the driver had taken evasive action to avoid the final shot instead of turning around to see what was happening behind him. What if secret service men had been permitted to ride on the back bumper of the car instead of being confined to the car behind. Maybe then agent Clint Hill could have protected the Kennedys from the final shot as he wanted to do by putting his body on top of them.

Coincidence, Not Conspiracy

In my view these and many other coincidences about the assassination indicate that, as we say, "the stars aligned". And, in fact, they did. You can see how in my essay online. This means the assassination, as tragic and awful as it was, was somehow destined to happen. And whether it was coincidence or conspiracy, the question is always how history would have been different if Kennedy had lived. Thanks to a conjunction of the outer planets Uranus and Pluto in the mid-sixties, which itself became the reason I studied astrology, I know from studying history that this conjunction or other major alignments of these two planets indicates times of intense transformation in society.

The Three Revolutions Uranus-Pluto cycles

Pluto we know from satellite observation has liquid methane below the surface that bubbles up and flows into a sea that looks like a heart from space. This is likely caused by the tidal action of its moon with which it is gravitationally tightly locked, moving as a rigid body. This represents obsession, polarization and concentration. Uranus has a smooth bright surface that radiates light. It is very cold but diamonds are always falling inside. It rolls around on it side compared to the other planets. This is symbolically why an alignment between them corresponds to revolutions and upheaveals.

A Transcendental Trinity Uranus, Neptune, Pluto

Kennedy insisted during this trip to Dallas of being visible and accessible to the people. So he took the bubble top off the limo and he kept the secret service men on the car behind. He also wore a heavy back brace which restricted his own evasive movement. He and his brother protected his image of young vitality by hiding his terrible back ailment, and the Kennedy family wanted to hurry up the autopsy in order to hide this. Kennedy, being so careful about his image, may not have been the man to make the bold, transformative shakeups that his successor Lyndon Johnson made. Johnson was a larger than life, uninhibited character who could get a transformative civil rights and great society program passed where the cautious Kennedy could not. The cosmic schedule of the Uranus-Pluto alignment and the historical and generational trends and cycles demanded that this happen in the mid-sixties, not in the seventies when Johnson might have been president if Kennedy had lived. Cautious, image-conscious Kennedy probably would not have committed half a million US soldiers to Vietnam where 56,000 of them died in a futile, bold attempt by LBJ to impose his will on the people there. Destiny required that Kennedy be put out of the way for the same reasons that the conspiracy theorists claim was done deliberately.

So, it was a good night because I had a dream which allowed me to tell this story and enlighten a few people about this cosmic destiny, and perhaps we can better understand why this terrible JFK event had to happen. The result of the changes and events of the sixties was also the deep divisions in our society which we still confront. Destiny has yet to play out on this, and it may not be a favorable destiny. We make our own tragedy to an extent, but sometimes it seems we have to face the lumps for our mistakes and those of our fellows.

My essays for Band of Writers