Horoscope for the New Age

by E. Alan Meece

Chapter Four: My Prophetic Career

When I was six, I made a scrapbook called "Star Book," to record my studies of astronomy. Then later I made another scrapbook called "Star Book 1971" to record my first predictions of world events as an astrologer. I had followed that career for exactly one year, and was already seeing myself as a budding prophet. The first thing I noticed was that Saturn, Uranus and Neptune would line up in a conjunction in the Fall of 1989. I showed it to my teacher Gary Lyte and he said, "that’s pretty heavy." "Revolution will happen in 1989" I wrote in my Star Book. At this writing I have also noticed that this conjunction appears in the birth chart of a promising, dynamic young leader in the US Congress who is making waves, Ms. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She could even be leading another Revolution as you read this.

But that sentence I wrote in my Star Book 1971 was my very first prophecy, and it came true in the greatest series of revolutions ever seen. In the Fall of 1989 most of the governments in Eastern Europe fell down like dominoes within 2 months, and the famous Berlin Wall that had divided Europe for 28 years came tumbling down too. As it happened, I said it was a great moment for Humanity. It felt great to have predicted it, and also to have written about it in greater detail before it happened in upcoming publications. I don’t know where these two Star Books are at the moment. But my Star Book 1971 started me on a career in which I have (perhaps) made more correct predictions than any prophet of my time. Fascinated with how astrology seemed to reflect what was happening, especially with how the sixties and the place I lived seemed to come alive within the pages of the ephemeris (the book that shows the positions of the planets), I discovered and traced the cycles of the outer planets that year and began writing my book, eventually entitled Horoscope for the New Millennium. At first I called it "The Astrology of History," and then "The Horoscope of Humanity." Jupiter and Neptune were aligned in Sagittarius, sign of prophecy, for most of the year 1971. Has my prophetic career been "brilliant" since then? You be the judge!

Many times my predictions are probably not specific enough to satisfy determined skeptics. The symbols astrologers use often have a rather general meaning. The reader can decide how closely my predictions resembled the actual events that happened, and whether they were timed correctly enough to count as correct. As I review some of my best predictions in this chapter, you’ll see that they include many of the most significant events since 1971. I got most of the important events right. I even once challenged a skeptic in the Strauss and Howe Generations forum online to name the most significant events he could think of from the past half-century, and half of those he named are events that I had predicted. When I say I predicted the most important events, and didn’t just get a few of them right through hit and miss tactics, that is proven because these significant predictions are the ones I talked about in lectures before they happened, a few of which I uploaded to youtube.

There were a whole lot of other events that I didn’t predict. Many were less important events. In my book Horoscope for the New Millennium, for example, I wanted to say something about every year in the future from 1997 to 2050, and so I filled in the chapters with some predictions that were not very carefully thought out. Some of my predictions were more like exhortations of what I thought needed to happen, or were a bit exaggerated or fanciful. But when I researched events listed online and in publications, I found many that corresponded to my predictions, at least to some extent. I have listed all the predictions I made in the book up to 2019, and the events corresponding to them, in Appendix A. It is not a scientific statistical measurement, but readers can decide how many of my predictions came true, and to what extent.

Before my book was published in 1997, I also made other predictions in magazine articles and in short previews of my book. I include some incorrect predictions too from that time, so you can see how I learned to do better as the years went by. And it’s useful for my fellow astrologers to know which tools in my prophetic tool kit actually worked, and which ones didn’t. I made a count of the astrological factors I used to make the most correct predictions, from this chapter up to 1997 and in by book from 1997 to 2019, which I will include in Appendix H. Later on I also made predictions on my website, philosopherswheel.com/book.htm, and in youtube videos. I will show copies of the original published predictions, or refer to their sources. You can also see more pictures of my published predictions at my website, warts and all.


As I review my predictions, I’m also reviewing history during the time I have been a prophet, from 1971 right up to the time of this writing. This provides historical background for the events to come. I also include here a few of the major events that I didn’t predict. Along the way I also learned from other astrologers, or were led astray by them, so I will mention this as appropriate. I hope I have learned not to depend on predictions made or rumors circulated by other prophets, unless they demonstrate a convincing basis for them.

The first events that I predicted correctly concerned the affairs of the President of the United States at the time of my Star Book, the ill-starred Richard M. Nixon. First, I said in my Star Book that in June of 1971, that Saturn in Gemini opposing Neptune and Jupiter in Sagittarius meant that secrets would be revealed in the press. I was amazed when at the very moment I predicted that the Pentagon Papers were published in the New York Times, which revealed government secrets about US policies and cover-ups concerning the US War in Vietnam. Already I was starting to feel that I had an inside view of history before it happened, just by following astrology, and that feeling only got stronger as the years went by. That Fall I went to a lecture by famed astrologer Dane Rudhyar, at which he excitedly passed out copies of his version of the Horoscope of the United States, which showed early Libra at the Midheaven, the place in a chart which rules the executive. Uranus was about to reach it, he said, which forecast a revolutionary tumble at the top.

Meanwhile Richard Nixon decided he had to do something about these leaks to the press by breaking in to the psychiatrist’s office of the author of the Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg. To do this he formed his own secret spy agency called The Plumbers. I guess he thought this strategy was useful, so his team proceeded to break-in to the Watergate Hotel where George McGovern, who was running against him in 1972 on a platform of stopping the war, had his headquarters. When this crime was revealed in the press, Nixon instructed the FBI not to investigate it, and paid hush money to the burglars. But the truth about his cover-up came out soon anyway after he was re-elected in the famous Watergate scandal, and as I followed the aspects to his natal chart I was able to predict what would happen to him, and when. I wrote this in an article I submitted to the magazine Astrology, Your Daily Horoscope. I was paid for the article, but I don’t know if they actually published any part of it. This is what I wrote in the article concerning the president:

In a short preview of my book which I wrote and copied for my friends in 1974, I gave another prediction about the Revolutions that would end the Cold War in 1989, but I also was too pessimistic about the exact conjunction between Uranus and Neptune in 1993. Later on I determined that this conjunction reshapes world order, and although aspects between these two visionary planets may increase international tensions, they don’t indicate when wars break out, but often the conjunction and trine aspects are signs of international cooperation.

In 1973 I read an article in American Astrology that correctly forecast a Middle East War in the Fall of 1973. The author noticed that Mars stationary and Saturn’s hard aspects to Pluto frequently indicated war. I added Mars-Saturn aspects to those, and from this I developed my technique for predicting wars. In this case, the Yom Kippur War began exactly as the planets timed it.

In July through November 1976 my first articles were published in the American Federation of Astrologers Bulletin. The articles concerned the "progressions" from the Horoscope of Humanity or Chart of Our Age, based on the idea that each day following the solar eclipse on April 26, 1892, just a few days preceding Neptune’s rare conjunction to Pluto, would represent the following years in order. In the October article I published my predictions based on these progressions. It was full of fanciful forecasts by an as-yet inexperienced astrologer, but contained some good predictions anyway.

The predictions in this article got better for the years after 1981. I was hopeful after the sixties that our society would keep moving forward in the ways I wanted. I noted the conservative reaction, represented by Sun’s sextile to Saturn in 1974, but I thought Sun square Uranus in 1981 would bring the revolution back. Instead the New Deal and Great Society era tumbled in a counter-revolution called "neo-liberalism" (free market economics) led by Ronald Reagan, who I mentioned as having helped lead the right-wing reaction of the early 70s. Many other astrologers were predicting great upheaval in the late 1970s, including my teacher Gary Lyte, and I went along too much with the crowd.

So I got that one wrong, but then as I mentioned, Venus stationary in 1989 allowed me to forecast in this article a "glorious" moment of "greater affection" and "new values" and a "new desire to cherish our earth home" that came true in the revolutions of 1989 ending the Cold War and the revival of Earth Day. I also correctly forecast that national or racial feelings would happen, which they did in the following years. The solar opposition to Mars for 1991, which I dated in the article as 1992, correctly presaged the Gulf War conflict that fulfilled my prediction for this oppositionof a conquest and great accomplishment. Not only did President Bush’s victory with UN support create a "New World Order," as he called it, but soon afterward in the same year the Soviet Union fell and multitudes of new nations were created. It was not the new world government that some prophets had been bandying about, and which I appropriated into some of my writings. But it was a more momentous change than anyone besides a few prophets like me saw coming.

I thought the "new system" would be toppled by a spiritual revolution when Mercury turned retrograde in square to Neptune in 1999. Then for Jupiter turning stationary-retrograde in 2001-2002 I forecast a new world religion and a religious war, with space voyages involved in the conflict. I thought world peace would follow. In my book I also said Mercury square Neptune in 1997 would bring disinformation and scandal too, which it did in the huge Lewinsky Affair that threatened Clinton’s presidency. We certainly got the religious war, but what was toppled was not the New World System, but the World Trade Center brought down by Muslim jihadists (holy warriors), followed by the attack on Afghanistan (whose religious government had harbored the terrorists) by the USA and its allies. And it was not space travelers, but air travelers that brought down the Twin Towers of the trade center.

If I had brought my prediction a little further down to Earth, I would have hit this exactly right, but as it was it was pretty good indeed, and a lot closer to what actually happened than what almost any other prophet had foreseen. World peace did not follow though, because the war continued and was expanded into Iraq. But the years following the Sept.11 attacks were relatively relaxed and peaceful at home anyway, as I foresaw, and I also said that "difficulties would begin to reappear toward the end of the decade." Boy, did they ever. In 2010 I predicted that the progressed Sun entering Virgo would see prosperity fade and the "euphoria" end, as more practical concerns would take precedence. The Great Recession that began with the crash of 2008 certainly more than fulfilled that expectation. And I also said "shades of 1848," which certainly is what showed up once the Arab Spring chain of revolutions got going in January 2011.

In October 1986 I began writing for Welcome to Planet Earth magazine, and in my first article I predicted "world unity" 5 years later in 1991, emerging from conflicts. Earlier in the article I laid out the evidence that the Neptune-Pluto conjunction of 1892 and other transits foretold a new golden age coming soon. As I mentioned in the last chapter, our current golden age may not seem so golden to us now, but things appear better when one considers how far we’ve come in the valley of transition.

In my next article in Welcome to Planet Earth for April 1987 about that valley of transition, I was even more specific about the prospect of bringing down the Iron Curtain, and had revised my view favorably of what the Uranus-Neptune conjunction in 1993 would mean. Editor Mark Lerner had been predicting a new Russian Revolution for some time for circa 1990, and in a Sept. 1989 article I got even more specific about this.

In my 3rd article in Welcome to Planet Earth called "American Arrogance" in August 1987, I warned about Jupiter's return to its 7th house position in Gemini/Cancer in the USA horoscope, when the US frequently goes to war or takes action that leads to future wars. I had also published an earlier version of this article in the AFA Bulletin in 1977. Jupiter's return was due in 1989 and 1990, and this time it signified our invasions of Panama and the Persian Gulf.

In the same September 1989 article in which I wrote about the Russian Empire about to explode, I also predicted the Panama invasion, which happened on the exact day Jupiter returned to its position of 6 degrees Cancer in the USA horoscope, and also mentioned the involvement in the Middle East that was to follow in 1990.

In the "American Arrogance" article that followed, I described the Panama invasion. Indeed the cycle was not over yet, as we soon intervened in the Middle East as I predicted we could yet see. This was predicted in greater detail in a later article called "Mars and the Middle East." In 2001 we invaded the region again after the Sept.11 attacks, although I didn’t get the location right in this article below. In 2013-14 we went there yet again, first forcing Syria’s dictator Assad to remove his chemical weapons by threatening an attack in the Summer of 2013, and then to Iraq in the Spring of 2014 to help in the 3-year struggle to repel the conquests by the terrorist Islamic State. I discuss what might happen in 2025 in the next chapter. Meanwhile, as I predicted in this article, the Revolution of 1989 continued into February 1990, when drastic reforms and further revolts came to the Soviet Union, and Nelson Mandela was freed from prison in South Africa. Here’s more from the "American Arrogance" article:

On August 2, 1990, Iraq under Saddam Hussein attacked and conquered the small oil-rich emirate of Kuwait to his Southeast and claimed it as an Iraqi province, thus provoking an international crisis. The USA sent troops to Saudi Arabia right away to forestall any further advance by Iraq. Below I predicted that the war could break out in January 1991, which it did. Presidents George Bush and Saddam Hussein both made their "aggressive moves" then, including Bush’s decision to repel the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, and Saddam's subsequent missile attacks on Israel. As I have stated in the last chapter, after Mars turns stationary, wars or major aggressive events often follow within a few weeks. The Mars trine to Saturn not only made this Gulf War a "cakewalk" for the "new world order" coalition, but was an appropriate signal for it, since the same trine appears in the horoscope charts of both Bush and Saddam, and in the national horoscopes of both the USA and Iraq. In the months following the war, the economy sank into a deep recession.


Before the 1991-92 recession took hold, I wrote in June 1990 that it could spell the end of George Bush 41’s term. I predicted this because of the 30-year Saturn cycle, which I noticed had brought a progressive era every 30 years, including in the 1900s (Progressive Era), 1930s (the New Deal) and 1960s (civil rights and the Great Society).

As I mentioned before, ethnic conflicts became the bane of the New World Order, and the first breakdown was in the Balkans. I could see it coming because of the great international cycle that Uranus and Neptune had laid out for us starting with the revolution against Turkish rule in Greece in 1821. In an early draft of my first book, written in about 1987, I predicted the war that broke out in the Balkans to break up Yugoslavia in the early 1990s. I had to change the wording from "could it be" to "was it" on my copy at the bottom of this page, since the prediction came true before I could publish my book.

At the bottom I had scribbled: (more Middle East massacres returned under the same Uranus-Neptune conjunction in the early1990s). "Bastille Degree" above refers to Saturn’s location in 24 Pisces on July 14, 1789 when the Bastille fell. Metternich was the powerful minister for the restored Austrian Empire. See also Horoscope for the New Millennium, page 183 in the Llewellyn edition.

In Welcome to Planet Earth in Feb 1992, on pp. 11 and 12, I wrote about the upcoming great solar eclipse in Cancer in June 1992. I had also passed out copies of the eclipse chart at our Welcome to Planet Earth writers’ meeting in 1990, warning of this "dangerous eclipse." Mars was due to turn stationary a few months after the eclipse, first retrograde on Nov.28, 1992, and then direct exactly in the eclipse degree on February 15, 1993 while making hard aspects to Pluto and Saturn. I predicted troubles, famine and power struggles in Africa, mentioning Kenya and Ethiopia. I was not far off, since the USA decided to invade nearby Somalia in January 1993 to deal with famine and civil war. Later on, the USA suffered the deadly "blackhawk down" affair there. In the article "The Dangerous Eclipse" I wrote:

I also speculated that Korea might see a battle over unification, which didn’t happen, and that the USA, Russia and Israel might be involved in the conflicts I was forecasting. These are the usual suspects, after all, and the eclipse seemed to target their national charts, but the location on the angles of the eclipse and key planets indicated the area near Ethiopia was the scene of the troubles to come. But I didn’t check the national chart for Somalia, born July 1 1960, which put the Sun just one degree away from the eclipse and the Mars station degree. If I had known that, I could have pinpointed the location of the trouble much more accurately.

Not only was the USA involved in Somalia, however, but it too suffered an attack within its own borders, when Muslim terrorists bombed the World Trade Center in New York right after Mars turned stationary-direct in February 1993. At the same time, the crisis at Waco Texas began too, which led to the government exploding the Branch Davidian cult’s compound on April 19. Two years later to the day, Tim McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma Federal building "in retaliation for Waco" just a few weeks after the next time Mars turned stationary on March 24, 1995. 168 people died in the attack. These were indeed signs of things to come, as I had written about the Uranus-Neptune conjunction then going on.

More ethnic troubles in the former Yugoslavia followed from that conjunction. In the article "Wars and World Changes" in March 1998, I explained how Uranus and Neptune, the carriers of international affairs, opposed each other in 1908 during the Bosnian Crisis that led to World War I in 1914. Six years after Uranus and Neptune joined in conjunction in 1993, I expected another international engagement in that area in 1999. That’s what happened in Kosovo.

I predicted the war in the Serbia-Kosovo area, and the exact timing, in an article I wrote in March. The war broke out on March 24, after the Mars station on the 18th, and ended on June 3, one day before the exact Mars station in Libra on June 4.

Meanwhile, I called the 1996 USA presidential election right. My powers as a prophet of presidential elections seemed to be growing. I had called 1988 wrong, but had seen that George Bush might win anyway because he had the best chart to get elected and be president. It was always easier for me to predict the Democrats would win, because that’s where my bias lay. I also would not get it right for the next election in the year 2000. Another astrologer who wrote for Welcome to Planet Earth did though, not only picking the winner, but forecasting all the errors and tampering that went on. It was clear after 2000 that I needed to research presidential elections more clearly. Had I done so before 1988, I could have called that election pretty easily, and the one in 2000 too. You’ll see the results of my research in a later chapter.


As Uranus and Neptune aligned in the sky late in 1993, I finally finished my over 1000-page tome entitled The Horoscope of Humanity. I explored and wrote about as much history as I could, hoping to better prepare myself for making predictions up to the year 2050. The prophecies I made for 2049 seemed to being me back full circle to where I started, in many ways. But when in 1996 Llewellyn Publications finally called me and indicated interest in my book, they recommended that I do a shorter version and entitle my book after the coming New Millennium that was then creating such a fuss and inspiring other prophetic books. So I quickly put together the 400-page version and called it Horoscope for the New Millennium. They asked me to finish the re-editing quickly because of the demand, and so some hasty errors were made. But on January 9th 1997 it was published on the exact day when Jupiter and Neptune joined in conjunction late in Capricorn, near the location of my own Jupiter (which is the planet that rules publishing), just as Jupiter and Neptune had aligned when I started my work way back in 1971. Now I wonder what Saturn, Pluto and Mercury have in store when they line up exactly with my Jupiter on Jan.12, 2020.

So from now on my predictions up to this writing are plainly visible in the pages of my book. In Appendix A of my new book, Horoscope for the New Age I provide a complete list of all the predictions, and what actually happened on Earth and in "the stars" at the time predicted, so here I only need to highlight the main events. I’ll also give some notes on the predictions I wrote on my website and recorded in my internet videos, as I took advantage of the cyberworld and world wide web that rapidly unfolded from the 1993 conjunction onward.

Right after Bill Clinton was to be inaugurated, Mars turned stationary-direct in the critical 17th degree of Virgo, so on page 250 I wrote that I expected a "Marseillaise spirit," since the French uprising that overthrew the king and was inspired by the song happened after Mars also had turned stationary direct in that exact degree. It was also the degree of the sixties too, of course, where Uranus and Pluto had joined. Jupiter was lined up with Uranus and Neptun ein a liberating conjunction too at that point. For Clinton himself, it mostly just meant he was to undergo more scandals, including those I predicted for 1998 (including what became the Lewinsky Affair). But there were indeed major uprisings, including in Indonesia on May 18 that doomed its dictator Suharto, in Zaire on May 18 that led to changing its name to Congo, plus big strikes in Western Europe on May 15, and a socialist victory in France on June 2. So it was a pretty big deal. And I mentioned in my talks that as more revolutions were breaking out in Southeastern Europe under these planetary alignments in January and February 1997, CBS News Anchor Dan Rather had pronounced them the next Velvet Revolution succeeding the big one in the Fall of 1989. I had also predicted controversial health and medical breakthroughs including a cure for AIDS in the Spring of 1997, and I came real close with that one, since the first major AIDs vaccine was announced in May, which has since put a big dent in that horrible plague, and since Dolly the Sheep on February 3 and 2 monkeys on March 2 had been cloned; stirring alarm and controversy. Finally on June 20 lawsuits against the tobacco industry were settled. More health breakthroughs came in 1998, as I also predicted.

Later in 1997 sad news came to us. I forecast that transportation accidents would dominate the news in late August and early September (p.251). On August 31 our "English Rose" Princess Diana and her new boyfriend died in a car crash while being pursued by paparazzi photographers. Elton John quickly put out a new version of his "Candle in the Wind" song and it became an all-time best-seller. Tears and flowers flooded her final route home on Sept.6. Two days later a ferry in Haiti crashed and killed hundreds of people. I had also predicted financial progress for late December, and much better news fulfilled that prophecy when President Clinton announced the first balanced federal budget in decades early the next year. I had also predicted global cooperation on major problems for October 1997, and this was apparently happening too, because on December 11 the breakthrough agreement on climate change called the Kyoto Treaty was announced.

For Spring 1998 I forecast controversial aggressive moves by the president, and religious violence in August. These two predictions combined in a notorious incident when to respond to deadly Al Qaeda attacks on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, Clinton made wild bombing attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan. He was accused of making these attacks to distract attention from his scandal in what was famously called "wagging the dog." Late in 1997 fires engulfed Asia, and in 1998 hurricanes and floods ravaged the world in what Worldwatch Institute called a record disaster year. It was by far the warmist year of the entire Second Millennium, and an "El Nino" year of warmer oceans. And I had called it in my book, pronouncing that 1998 would see unusually severe weather and panic over global warming. Saturn in earth-sign Taurus squaring watery Neptune was the special planetary sign, among others, of this spot-on prediction. The irony was that for years afterward, because 1998 was such an amazing spike in the global temperature, those who denied global warming used it to claim that global cooling had begun, just because global temperatures went down after this unusual year, proving that they had no awareness whatever of the notion of trends. It wasn’t long in the new century before many more years broke the 1998 global heat record. But hooked on free-market ideology that prevents any government action, and drunk on their own fossil fuel profits, the deniers still closed their eyes and kept the USA from making much progress on reversing climate change. Our descendants could well suffer for years because of their blind resistance.

On August 1999, the "eclipse of the century" occurred, as described on pp.252-54. We sometimes called it "the doomsday eclipse" because Nostradamus had referred to it as foretelling a world-threatening event that included "terror from the sky." The eclipse opposed catastrophic Uranus in Aquarius, and squared Mars and Saturn as they opposed each other in a grand cross of dangerous planets. It was a foreboding sign, and we didn’t reckon just how foreboding it might turn out to be. I had as far back as my article on the progressed 1892 chart in the AFA Bulletin indicated that it portended earthquakes in the Balkans, and one happened in the path of the eclipse in Turkey on August 17, killing 35,000, and another big one in Greece on Sept.7, and elsewhere too. I forecast upheavals in the Balkans, Mexico and Russia, and as the eclipse happened the revolts in Dagestan and Chechnya were breaking out. On Sept.9 the rebels bombed an apartment in Moscow, and on October 22, the new Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (in office since August 9th), attacked Chechnya and restored Russian rule by January and February. In July on the eve of the eclipse the Serbs rose up in a huge movement to toppled their war-criminal ruler Milosevic, and they held the first of many huge rallies on August 9th Other events that I predicted for the eclipse came true too (see Appendix A in Horoscope for the New Age), and further conflicts continued for a few years in these places as I predicted. It seemed, however, that we had eluded terror from the sky and the end of the world, at least for the moment.

In my book I had pronounced that the Year 2000 would be the mountain top on the far side of the Valley of Transition, the one Dr. Martin Luther King had predicted. As I recorded on my website, it seemed Al Gore had announced it, calling it a "mountain top moment" because since the "dot com boom" the new economy had created the greatest prosperity on record. But it was a short moment, because the dot come bust began on April 14th. In this Welcome to Planet Earth article, in which I reviewed the aftermath of the eclipse of the century, I forecast the fall of Milosevic, which happened finally in October 2000, and cautioned investors to be careful until after the dot com bust abated in June.

It turned out that terror rained down from the sky after all. Al Qaeda began planning it’s attack on America in August 1999. An eclipse, remember, can be significant in the amount of years that it lasts in minutes. As I had forecast for years in all my lectures and in my book, the USA was attacked and went to war soon after Saturn in Gemini opposed Pluto and Mars in Sagittarius in July and August 2001, and Mars turned stationary. It took a bit longer than I expected. I had announced to everyone that an attack was coming in July or August, and by early September I thought maybe we had dodged the bullet. But then it came on September 11, as the Twin Towers (Saturn in Gemini the Twins) were toppled by the flying arrows of Pluto-Mars in Sagittarius (the jet planes crashing into the Towers), and since Jupiter had returned to its place in the House of War in the US Horoscope, off again into battle we went on Oct.7, first by providing air support to the Northern Alliance, which on November 9th and 13th defeated the Taliban Muslim fundamentalist government that had harbored the terrorists. But on Dec.16th Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Ladin escaped from the caves of Tora Bora to a hideout in Pakistan.

I wrote that if we were lucky, the outlook for peace might improve after October 2002. But we weren’t lucky, because the president was George W. Bush. Although Saddam Hussein had no connection to the attack on America on Sept.11, he was alleged by Bush to still have nuclear or chemical weapons. He didn’t, but the Project for a New American Century which Bush had empowered proposed that if a new Pearl Harbor occurred, war could be waged to spread freedom around the world and assure dominance of the USA over oil resources. The new Pearl Harbor had occurred on Sept.11, and I wrote that if we weren’t lucky the "war would flare up again" in late February 2003. On February 15, 2003, as Jupiter opposed Neptune and Mars opposed Saturn, the largest demonstrations the world had ever seen protested the proposed US invasion of Iraq, much as I had predicted. This outburst of people power probably delayed the invasion, but as Saturn continued its return to a close opposition to Pluto, Bush and his "coalition of the willing" attacked Iraq with a "shock and awe" bombing campaign on March 19, 2003, followed by an invasion that Bush said the Iraqis would welcome with flowers and open arms. They didn’t welcome it; as I predicted in my lectures and on internet forums, because Uranus was entering Pisces in 2003, the war was a quagmire that went on for another 8 years. Below is what I wrote in my book about this period. Latin America escaped the USA’s wrath, but the USA indeed faced a holy war against the Muslim jihadists, and the "star wars" technology turned out to be and the fancy drones that the US employed against the terrorists all over the world.

I made a more positive and amazing prediction for late 2002 through the Spring of 2003, when I wrote that electronic media would be used to give everyone access to work and education (top of page 267). I had thought Uranus in Aquarius would come through with some electronic innovations, and I knew Saturn in trine to it from media-savvy Gemini would get it going. This was when social media began, first with Friendster in 2002, then My Space and itunes in 2003, and finally facebook by 2004 as the trine returned again. This certainly has changed our world, and at the same time my predictions for this time of health improvements (Medicare drug program) and constructive changes to the defeated nation (Iraqi Parliament established) came true as well.

I thought the solar eclipse of March 29, 2006 would make Al Gore "a marked man" and put him in danger, since it was near his solar degree, but actually it put the spotlight on him as he released his best-selling and award-winning film "An Inconvenient Truth: A Global Warning." As the Katrina hurricane wiped out portions of New Orleans and Mississippi at the end of August 2005, leaving over 1000 dead, Saturn was beginning to oppose Neptune again, its first hard aspect since 1998. It was not Gore, but his opponent President Bush who got in trouble over his poor response to the hurricane. I didn’t predict such a disaster in the book, but Gore’s film, which did mention it, aroused a lot of concern over global warming and the severe weather it caused, and as Saturn closed in on its opposition to Neptune in 2006 and 2007, and as Uranus reached the critical "stillness of spirit degree" at 17 Pisces then, my prediction in the book on the bottom of page 270 that in 2007 oil and ecology issues would come to the fore was certainly fulfilled. Green trends mushroomed, and in December automobile fuel standards were raised.


As Saturn reached Leo in 2006 I expected the economy to be bouncing along fine again after the dot com bust, and so it was (p.268). But in 2006 I wrote on my website that this "jobless recovery" would not last for long, and that serious economic disruption was due as the years 2009 and 2010 approached. On August 9, 2002 on The Fourth Turning Forum, I wrote: "great crash sometime during or after Fall 2008. Economic transformation and recovery later in the 2010s decade." See here, and scroll down to post #373. The collapse of the Lehman Brothers investment firm on September 15, 2008, followed by the collapse of the AIG global insurance company, precipitated the biggest financial and economic tumble since the stock market crash in late October 1929, which had caused the Great Depression in the 1930s. In my book on page 273, I declared "The year 2009 marks the start of an important and painful period." On pages 274-75, I slated the next great depression (later called the "Great Recession") to begin in 2010. But in my videos, I said a big change was coming when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. I pointed out that Saturn, Uranus and Pluto (with Jupiter too) would form a huge T-square in cardinal signs in 2010, which was almost the same as the one in 1931. Notice that these squares were forming, and sometimes within orb, during the previous 2 years. 1931 minus 2 years was 1929, the year of the great crash, and 2010 minus 2 years was 2008, the year of the next great crash. It was a perfect parallel. The T-square also reappeared at times during 2011.

I was expecting another kind of interesting change too around 2010, because Neptune and Pluto were also reaching the same positions they were in when Martin Luther initiated the Protestant Reformation in 1517 (page 273). In March 2010 the culture warrior Pope Benedict XVI (formerly Cardinal Ratzinger), who later blamed sexual abuse of boys by Catholic priests on the swinging sixties, himself was accused of not acting to dismiss abusive priests. In 2013 he became the first Pope to voluntarily resign since 1294, citing age and fatigue, and was replaced by Pope Francis, a liberal reformer who diffused the Church’s involvement in the culture wars against homosexuals, and championed the causes of helping the poor and acting on climate change. How far his reforms might still go is still in question.

I wrote on page 273 that Pluto entering Capricorn on Nov.6, 2008 would set off powerful changes. When it entered Capricorn in 1517, I pointed out, Luther had nailed his 95 Theses to the wall of Wittenberg Cathedral, thus setting off the Reformation, and when it next entered Capricorn in 1762 Rousseau had published The Social Contract which said "man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains," thus setting off the democratic revolt in France, America and around the world. In the Fall of 2008 a 94-year old French World War Two hero named Stephane Hessel gave a lecture which quickly became a short book that immediately sold 3 million copies. It was called "Time for Outrage" and it helped spark the Arab Spring revolts in 2011 and inspired the Occupy Wall Street movement starting on Sept.17, 2011. This fulfilled my prediction that we would see another Luther or Rousseau at this time. Below are some relevant excerpts from pages 273-75 of Horoscope for the New Millennium about the 2008-2012 period.

On Oct 27, 1998 at the San Francisco National Council for Geocosmic Research, I gave a lecture covering my predictions for the period of 2008-2012, and uploaded portions of it to my you tube channel I mentioned in the video that Pluto entering Capricorn in 2008 would set off great changes like those Luther and Rousseau started. I pointed out the parallel between 1931 and 2010, and said that what happened when Neptune entered Virgo in 1929 and Pisces in 1848 provided clues to what would happen in the 2008-2012 period. In 1848, after a great plague, a series of revolutions occurred in which government fell like dominoes, followed by huge migrations. I predicted that the time around 2010 "of ecological disasters, of famines, of depression, of migration, of collapse of cultures, of reformation in the church; all of that, look forward to that" and "uh... don’t make any unwise investments!" In my lecture on April 30, 2000 to the South Bay Astrological Society I mentioned that the next president would launch a war to promote a "just cause" in the Summer of 2001, and that in 2010 global corporations would fall. I predicted upheavals around the world for 2010-11 that we could not ignore because of all the migrations they would produce, and said people would be asking "should one group of people create an economic system to benefit themselves at the expense of the rest of us" and also mentioned the World Trade Organization (the WTO) and its global trade policies that favor corporations. This "one group" would later be called "the 1%" at the Occupy Wall Street rallies and in Bernie Sanders’ campaigns for president, so I posted a picture of the rally to accompany my prediction. Astrologer Graeme Jones pointed out that when Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 many people would no longer have the money to protect themselves from the pain of the losses that would be occurring. A recovery would follow after the breakdown, I promised, in which the new green economy would blossom, and when we would adjust our trade policies to help the workers. It’s interesting how the trade issue helped get President Trump elected in 2016, and how he tried to accomplish this adjustment in the late 2010s with his tariffs and trade wars.

On page 95 of Horoscope for the New Millennium I was reviewing the twelve 14-15-year phases in the cycle beginning with Uranus and Neptune conjoining in 1993, and this is what I wrote for the 2nd and 3rd phases starting in 2008:

Bosses were about to fall as Pluto entered Capricorn in November 2008 and began to be squared by Uranus. That’s a very powerful square that last occurred during the New Deal and the rise of the Nazis. Reform-minded Barack Obama was elected on Nov 4th, 2008, just 2 days before the exact entrance by Pluto into Capricorn. Because of the ongoing reign of Reaganomics, in which government is seen as a problem, not much can be done in the USA until Reaganomics is removed. But Obama managed to reform health insurance anyway with his Affordable Care Act (also called Obamacare). In my book I predicted that from May 2009 through January 2010 there’d be some benevolent idealism toward healing humanity and solving problems (p.273). Soon after taking office he held meeting in March, but the bill was soon stalled. No-one could say whether Obamacare would pass, but I saw that Jupiter was in a long, close reform conjunction with Neptune in Aquarius, joined by the "wounded healer" minor planet Chiron, and so in a radio interview with Tony McGettigan I predicted that it would. After being watered down, it took until January of 2010 to get it through on a narrow partisan vote. The final bill disappointed many folks (as I predicted), but Obama was able to say, "this is what change looks like." Also the Dodd-Frank reform law was introduced to fix the causes of the crash in July and December 2009, and (again after being watered down) it became law in July 2010.

Uranus-Pluto aspects can be liberal or revolutionary, but remember that if Saturn-Pluto hard aspects are also going on, a conservative reaction can happen simultaneously. I wrote on page 275 that the common people may be in retreat due to xenophobia and fear of radicals. Obamacare was just too much for the free-market reactionaries who had claimed America as their own since 1980. Any reform would have been too much! Right after it was passed in January 2010 the Tea Party was formed to oppose it, claiming it would add to taxes and the debt. And they cried that they were "Taxed Enough Already" (TEA). First they elected Republican Scott Brown to Ted Kennedy’s old senate seat to oppose the reform on Jan.19th, and then they managed to sweep Republicans into power in the House of Representatives and most statehouses in November. Because Republicans were then able to redraw (and gerrymander) the election districts for the next decade, Obama’s new USA reform era was stopped almost as soon as it had begun.

But huge fireworks of change erupted elsewhere, with reform movements motivated by the economic crisis, as I predicted on page 277. The crash in the USA had spread to Europe in 2009, and its financial system could not handle it. In late 2009 and early 2010 the debt crisis exploded. Instead of a stimulus as Obama had provided for the USA, which eventually revived the economy there, the European rulers insisted on austerity. The people revolted. Riots broke out in Greece in May, and the British Prime Minister resigned. Meanwhile the ecological disasters I had predicted at the top of page 276 for mid-2010 multiplied. As the T-square tightened, an oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20th became the worst environmental disaster in USA history. On July 30 Pakistan was inundated with its worst-ever flood, and in August huge fires and drought ravaged Russia. All over the world global temperatures rose, food prices soared, droughts spread and crops failed, especially in Syria. Governments all over the world then began to "collapse with dizzying speed," as I predicted on pages 274-75. Iran and several other Asian countries were already in an uproar. In late 2010 and early 2011 governments fell in Ireland, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia and the Netherlands.

Then, on January 4, 2011, Jupiter aligned exactly with Uranus right on the solar degree of Tunisia’s national chart during a total solar eclipse. That was a real cosmic lightning bolt if ever there was one, and my astrologer friend Tony McGettigan and I looked at this chart in the months preceding and knew that a huge uprising was in the works. Richard Tarnas had already just written about Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions and oppositions as signatures of social and political awakenings and rebellions. Just days after this eclipse a revolution toppled Tunisia’s dictator and democracy was established there. Young people all over the Arab world were thereupon inspired to topple their dictators too. The so-called Arab Spring had sprung. Two weeks later Tahrir Square in downtown Cairo Egypt was filled with young rebels, and by February they had topped their dictator Mubarak. More revolts engulfed Bahrain, Yemen, Iran, Libya, and finally Syria in March. But only Tunisia’s new democracy survived in the long run. Western allies helped rebels in oil-rich Libya defend against and murder their strongman Qaddafi, long an enemy of the USA, but chaos and anarchy ensued. The rebels in Syria had hoped for Western aid too, but none was forthcoming. Instead their dictator Assad launched wholesale terror and genocide on his people, killing hundreds of thousands. Later he got his allies from Russia and Iran to help him kill thousands more.

On my website I pronounced the refugee crisis resulting from all these catastrophes as the most likely event to result from Neptune entering Pisces in 2011-2012. I am still amazed at how fully what I called in my book this "unprecedented stream of refugees" fulfilled my prediction (p.276). Millions fled Syria’s monster tyrant to surrounding countries, and then flooded across the Mediterranean Sea into Europe. Millions more soon joined the exodus as crops and governments failed in Africa and wars still raged in Southern Asia. Muslims escaped from slaughter in Burma into Bangladesh, and other refugees escaped to Australia and New Zealand. As tyranny, crime and drought scarred the land in Central America, the southern borders of the USA were soon beseiged as well. It was getting hard to tell which was rising faster, the human tide of refugees or the related rising ocean tides and sea levels.

Sometimes this global refugee crisis seemed to shock the world into compassion, and even encouraged the global awareness I had predicted for this time in my 1998 lecture, such as when an image of a young child refugee dying on a beach in Turkey touched peoples’ hearts across the whole world. Some nations welcomed the newcomers. But more often people were alarmed and afraid of the migrants, and crime and terrorist attacks magnified the concern. Far-right nativist and racist politics grew, and the once open borders of countries within the European Union started closing. People in the 2010s were reacting in fear to the onset of the inevitable new global civilization, and they found refuge in hate and nationalism. The surge of migrants into Britain disrupted the nation’s repose and nostalgia so thoroughly that they voted to leave the European Union on June 23, 2016. But this "Brexit" vote only caused continuing crisis. In June 2015 real estate tycoon, swindler and celebrity TV star Donald Trump announced he was running for president in order to stop the Mexican and Central American immigrants from "bringing drugs, crime and rape" into the USA. He wanted to build a wall in the Rio Grande just like the British were building in the English Channel. After he won the election he immediately issued a ban against people from some Muslim countries traveling into the USA. I had written that in 2007, as Saturn opposed Neptune, that "xenophobia would grow over world trade or immigration, and that the president may rally paranoia against Iran and other enemies," and that "a demagogue would foment fear of foreigners so that Republicans would win the November election of 2008." I was too early in my predictions. But a Saturn-Neptune square came around in 2016 and 2017 and fulfilled the earlier prophecies at a later time in the 2010s, for which I had also predicted a right-wing reaction.

The Revolution under Uranus square Pluto continued on in 2013, however, igniting upheavals in Turkey, Russia, Ukraine and Brazil. But I saw a big, hopeful sign that a better and more peaceful world might now emerge from the chaos. On July 17, 2013 Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune formed one of the grandest and closest grand trines ever, and its significance could be seen from June through mid-August. I wrote about possible new constitutions on page 279, and in forums I predicted diplomatic breakthroughs. See here (scroll down to post #343) and here (scroll down to post #356) and in my video on predictions for 213 and beyond In Iran the people had been pushing for more freedom since 2009, and in June 2013 this resulted in the election of a moderate new president Hassan Rouhani, who promised to make a deal to end Iran’s nuclear program and get sanctions against his country lifted. As the grand trine matured, negotiations promptly began with Iran, and the deal was finally completed on July 14, 2015. Negotiations also began in the Summer of 2013 in Afghanistan to end the war there. Obama began offering aid to the Syria rebels at this time, hoping to force Assad to negotiate, and he also offered a nuclear deal with Russia. Meanwhile at the same time Pope Francis convinced Cuba’s new leader Raul Castro to open relations with the USA, and by July and August of 2015 diplomats were exchanged and embassies opened, as Venus turned stationary. The largest demonstrations yet in Egypt overthrew the elected but authoritarian Muslim president Morsi on July 3, 2013, and a new constitution was proclaimed. From this point on, as I predicted, the Great Recession eased and the economy slowly recovered, as Jupiter got stronger in the sky.

The results of the grand trine were mixed, however, and ultimate outcomes are still unclear. Overthrow of Morsi provoked protest demonstrations in turn, but they were bloodily suppressed by the new tyrant General Sisi, who soon won the presidency. Things returned to how they had been under Mubarak, or even worse. Afghanistan negotiations are still unresolved, and Russia refused the deal with Obama and later broke the terms of older missile treaties. President Trump largely closed off the opening to Cuba and pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal in 2017. Aid to Syrian rebels proved too little too late. And a foreboding grand cross followed the grand trine when Uranus and Pluto with Jupiter and Mars in January 2014, and again in April and May as Mars turned stationary. I predicted this would bring war, violence and reckless rebellion, and it was clear to many that Jupiter would add religious fanaticism to the mix. Sure enough, former Al Qaeda fighters rose up as the Islamic State and quickly seized territory in Eastern Syria and Western Iraq and proceeded to impose terror and death on the people there. Among other things, I mentioned tremendous turmoil in the Middle East, furious conflicts over religion there, kidnappings and murder in God’s name for 2015-16 on page 280, and as the war against the tyrannical and horrific Islamic State continued, it was all certainly happening. By 2017 the IS was rolled back by Iraqi forces, Iranian militias and USA air power and special forces. In January 2014 civil war also broke out in eastern Ukraine against the new liberal pro-Western government, and President Putin sent in invaders to aid the pro-Russian rebels in April and May. The war there simmers on.

An international agreement on reducing climate change was reached in Paris in December 2015, but Trump pulled out of that deal too in 2017, along with the Oct 5, 2015 Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement. Meanwhile as Mars joined the Uranus-Pluto square again in the Spring of 2015, I predicted more Mid-East troubles, and the civil war that resulted from the Arab Spring revolt in Yemen escalated on March 19 into a horrific proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, with the Saudis getting USA support.

As the decade ended, it seemed humanity was in a race between the continuing uprisings of the people and the increasing tyranny and reaction against them by their governments. President Trump inspired waves of resistance and a Democratic midterm election victory in November 2018, while loud protests engulfed France and India. The epidemic of gun violence that has grown ever since the massacre from the tower at the University of Texas on August 1, 1966 has now reached the point where hundreds of mass shootings happen every year. It’s impossible to find a reliable astrological cycle to explain them all. Student victims at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland Florida were so aroused that on March 24, 2018 they organized one of the largest nationwide mass demonstrations ever held and mobilized young voters. One of their leaders Cameron Kasky spoke like someone who had read my prophecies, saying he looked ahead ten years and saw light and a system we could be proud of. See his speech here Gun control has once again become a fundamental issue to challenge the people of the USA to either divide up and stand still, or move forward. In 2019 people were rising up in Venezuela, Sudan, Hong Kong and elsewhere as Jupiter squared Neptune. Young as well as older people everywhere were striking and protesting against the growing impacts of climate change worldwide, as fires, floods, droughts and storms continued to hurt and kill thousands, and as scientists warned that the time for effective action was growing short.

But as Saturn and Pluto moved through conservative Capricorn in 2019 and approached their conjunction due in early 2020, the powers-that-be resisted. On page 282 I mentioned oppression and crackdowns in the 2019 period. Sure enough, an epidemic of deadly, tyrannical and reactionary rulers took power or fought off revolts and oppressed the people in the late 2010s: Assad in Syria, Sisi in Egypt, Salman in Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu in Israel, Erdogen in Turkey, Putin in Russia, Xi Jinping in China, Deterte in The Philippines, Maduro in Venezuela, Trump and McConnell in the USA, Bolsonaro in Brazil, Morrison in Australia, Boris Johnson in the UK, banana republic leaders in Central America, and others; it was a long list. As the next Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on Dec. 21, 2020 approached, a new era in government affairs and the state beckoned. But this would not be an era racked by competing national alliances, but a developing conflict between the aspirations of concerned and progressive people against their reactionary rulers. Even as the planetary champions of the people Jupiter and Neptune were squaring off in their most powerful signs, and as the cosmic plumber and transformer Pluto itself was undermining the tyrants’ rule in its approaching conjunction with Saturn, the people were already rising up in 2019. The tyrants are supported by the fears of the haters and motivated by their own lust for power. They need to be overthrown; the whole lot of them. Only if the people won in the next few years against their rulers could progress resume and the New Age dawn in the next decade, during which the planets would move on into hopeful Aquarius.


My published predictions

Horoscope for the New Millennium

Election 2020 Preview

Predictions that Came True for 2008-2012

Predictions that Came True for 2001-2011

Predictions for 2013 and Beyond

Predictions on my you tube channel

Planetary Dynamics

The Enneagram IS Astrology

The Prophetic Tool Kit: The Basics of Astrology